18th Edition Time To Have Your Say
18th edition wiring regulations is almost here but it's not too late to have your say; This is how you can comment on the 18th edition and have your views considered. You will need to go to the BSI Standards Developments Home page if you are not registered, this will alow you to register or sign up for free. You just need the usual email and password stuff. Once you are signed up click this link to the BSI Standards Web Page for the DPC for 18th Edition.
Once on the page, scroll down to the Read Draft and Comment Button in the bottom left corner of the page (see image below). This button will take you through to the actual page on which you can read the draft and make comments. You will also be able to see other peoples comments. In order to do this you need to select the section you wish to comment on in the main window and then scroll down toward the bottom of the screen. You will be asked to make your comment / observation in one windoow and suggest a remedy or solution in the next.